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Il giorno 10 Marzo 2023 il Prof. Masaki Hayashi (University of Calgary, Canada) sarà in visita presso la sede CNR-IRSA di Montelibretti e terrà un seminario  dal titolo “Alpine hydrogeology: The critical role of groundwater in sourcing the headwaters of the world”, dalle ore 14:30 alle ore 16:00 circa.

L’abstract del seminario, che si terrà in lingua inglese, è il seguente:

Many of us have been awed by the stunningly beautiful view of alpine lakes and streams – and they are not just beautiful. Nearly half of the world population relies on rivers originating in high mountains for water supply. Source areas of mountain streams have rugged topography with sparse soil and vegetation covers, and were once considered “Teflon basins” that have minimum capacity to store groundwater. Over the past decade or so, a new understanding of alpine hydrogeology has been emerging based on detailed field observations around the world. Alpine basins actually have important aquifer units that provide temporary storage of rain and melt waters from snowpack and glaciers. Gradual release of water from these aquifers sustains stream flow during dry or cold periods, and is critically important for water supply and aquatic habitats in downstream regions.

Sarà possibile partecipare da remoto al seminario attraverso la piattaforma GoToMeeting e le informazioni relative al seminario e alla registrazione sono raggiungibili al seguente link:

Emanuele Romano – CNR IRSA, sede di Montelibretti –
Nicolas Guyennon – CNR IRSA, sede di Montelibretti –


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