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Il giorno 5 Aprile 2023 il Dr. Caio Graco-Roza (University of Helsinki), in visita presso la sede CNR-IRSA di Verbania per un progetto di ricerca congiunto finanziato dalla Finnish Cultural Foundation, terrà un seminario dal titolo “From patterns to action: Leveraging beta diversity for ecological understanding and conservation”, dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 15:30 circa.

L’abstract del seminario, che si terrà in lingua inglese, è il seguente:

In this talk, Caio will present recent research on the use of functional diversity to study conspicuous ecological patterns but also practical applications for conservation of biological communities. He will discuss what insights we can get from widespread theories such as the distance decay of similarities for worldwide communities, but also more focused case studies such as the assembly processes in European cave spiders. From the practical standpoint, he will show how using functional beta-diversity untangle patterns of communities exposed to river damming, urbanization, and other human pressures. Join Caio for an insightful discussion on the power of beta diversity in ecology and conservation, and how we can use this knowledge to promote sustainable practices for the future.

Sarà possibile partecipare da remoto al seminario attraverso la piattaforma GoToMeeting. Le informazioni relative al seminario e alla registrazione sono raggiungibili al seguente link:

La locandina dell’evento è disponibile al seguente link

Stefano Mammola – CNR IRSA, sede di Verbania –


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